Thank you for visiting these pages ! We would love it if you would add to this guestbook we are keeping ! Thanx for supporting the Amiga. GoldED is brill! The greatest texteditors I ever use !!! GoldEd is great !!! Thx for making older versions free - I will use 4.7.3 as
default (kill the CED 4.xx ;)) GoldED ist der beste Editor den ich je gesehen hab! Echt Spitze!!! Simply the greatest editor ever developed on a computer! Thanks for giving us this
great tool. Without it writing/programming on Amiga wouldn't be the same. As soon as I've got the money, I'll buy V5.0. I'm a bit dissapointed about the Win
like GUI, but after all, an editor is for working with. And I'm sure V5 is better then V4.
Thanx Dietmar! Keep up with releasing new Amiga products. Hope to see you supporting Next
Generations Amigas in the future too. I really like that you have released GoldED 4 for free!! And the new userinterface
is a real killer!! This is how every Amiga program should look like and I really like it!
And I have to say that you have done a super duper great job with GoldED and would like to
thank you for not leaving the Amiga, although it is in some troubled times right now, so
thanks again. And good luck with your future programs!! The features included in the 5.0.0 release sounds nice and like a grown up release
4, but I wonder if someone is interested in a Windows-like environment. GeD Rulez! I love edit my C++ programs with CeD! Thanx a lottttttttt! GoldED is by far the best editor and programming environment for any platform
ever!!! I LOOOVE it! Now if we just could see a LINUX port........
Pluueeeezzzzeee....... ;-) Hi! GoldED 4 ist echt geil! Ich frag' mich bloss, warum ich den registriert hab',
wenn's den jetzt umsonst gibt... :) Ich weiss nur nicht, ob ich mit dem neuen Outfit von
GoldED5 so zufrieden bin - das sieht zu sehr nach Windows aus :( Hast Du dafuer ClassAct
verwendet? Oder hast Du etwas ganz eigenes gemacht? Wenn ja, wie waer's, wenn Du daraus
ein neues GUI-Kit bastelst? This is my second entry in this guestbook and all I can say is that GoldEd has got
better over time! The facilities it provides, and it's overall presentation, quality and
speed kick seven shades of s**t out of any professional text editor on any platform (and
I've used them all). Keep it up Dietmar, I cant wait for V5!! :) GoldEd 4 is the very best editor for the Amiga today! It has no limitations!!! It's
just great! :) GoldEd is absolutely the best editor I've ever used. I use MS Dev Studio at work
all day, and GoldEd is what I use to recover.... :-) Hi Dietmar, Just talked to you on the telephone. Followed your lead to this your
new web-site. Now I get the chance to add my praise for GoldEd. The Greatest!!! Kewl! It took me quite a while to find the new page and I nearly already believed
you stopped developing put it is dawn great to hear that you still continue developing for
the AmigaOS. GoldED is one the importants reason for me to use AmigaOS. Thanx a lot for
your continuing support!! GoldED V4 ist schon ein richtig cooler Editor. Ich kann die V5 schon fast gar icht
mehr erwarten ! Endlich funktioniert die neue Homepage ! - Bin schon ganz gespannt auf GoldED5 Hi, there! I'd like to say that GoldEd4.7 is the meanest, toughest, wildest, best,
greatest, coolest and the finest texteditor I've ever used! When is a new version coming
out? Hi! I'd just like to say "Thanks!" for GoldED! It's the best, never be
without it, outperforms others with easy. However, CygnusEd 4.0 is worth a look, too -
Cheers! Howdy! Would you please make the project-manager being a seperate part insteadt to
combine it with the local-settings-GUI? The local-settings-GUI-register-pages should be
switch-able with shortcuts. But indeed is GoldED the best ED i ever seen! Go on! Just browsing after reading some info in "The AMIGA Informer" The "BEST" editor ever, wouldn't use anything else. The only editor
recommended by the Edinburgh Amiga Club. GoldED is the best editor ever seen! I'll register soon! GoldED ist un�bertroffen! Please please look at the allowing me to register over the net. I`m sure that more
people would register if you can do this. GED rulz! ...thats it. Manuel AEC editor Hi there, could somebody tell me if there's an Arexx-environment for GoldED V4.7.
I'm searching this longly. Whow!!! GoldED4.x is the first program I'm willing to pay for. This _must_ mean
that it is good. I just go to have the full version. Thanks Dietmar for making a program
worth paying for at such an affordable price. Dietmar your program is excellent. The makers of MUI suport Virtual-Pin which
allows you to buy and register a program over the internet. Please is there any way in the
near future, Virtual-Pin can be made available for Golded ? GoldEd is the BEST editor! Thank you Dietmar! You've got a superb page too! I'm a
E-programmer. Could someone make some more E-stuff to GoldEd? Amiga RULZ! Also ich find GED 4 toll Und das ist auch schon alles was ich sagen wolte. Yo!!! Wer h�tte gedacht, das GEd 4 noch so viel Raum f�r Verbesserungen hat...
Schade nur, das GEd immer noch keine TAB's beherrscht :) I like your WEB page very much. It is clear, the messages are precise and the
graphics do not take too much time to appear. Keep up the good work. Thanks hOPPAS ATT FLER HITTAR TILL ERAN HEMSIDA , NI HAR GJORT DEN B�STA TEXT EDITOR SOM
EXISTERAR. HEJA P� ! Your pages are excellent, and as for GoldEd - well, I can honestly say that it is,
IMHO, the best text editor I have ever used on any platform! Keep up the good work! :) Oh,
will you be porting it to pOS / TransAm and / or A\Box at some time? This is the best! I just can't believe how this program keeps on getting better! I am so glad I
registered when I did. The new features are really great, and I am making full use of the
context menus. Brilliant! Can it get any better? Well done Dietmar! GoldEd: simply a great editor for a great computer :) Congratulations for your
work, Dietmar, and keep on supporting "your child" like you're doing now. If
only GoldEd ate some less memory it would be almost perfect! Hi GoldEd-Dietmar, Dein Editor ist das Beste St�ck auf meinem Amiga. Und das so
ein Spitzen-Produkt auch noch so gut �ber Internet unterst�tzt wird; alle Achtung!!!!!
;) Auf einen Gegenbesuch
freue ich mich genauso, wie auf einen Eintrag in meinem G�stebuch
Also bis dann (Winke, Winke) Gruss Manfred Hallo ! Bin seit l�ngerem registrierter User von GoldEd 4 ! Mu� sagen, das ist
wirklich der beste Editor, den ich je auf meinem Rechner installiert hatte. mfg Patrick
Stauch (Tatonka) No day without a new GoldED 4 bug :( - So I am returning everyday back to TurboText
2! No day without a new GoldED 4 bug :( - So I am returning everyday back to TurboText
2! I think that I'd go quite crazy without GoldEd 4! Amiga Tech, opps sorry, Amiga
International should include GoldED with the Amiga! I use PC's and Sun workstations every
day and NONE of the programming editors comes andywhere near. If you haven't registered DO
IT. Will register GoldED. Extremely Nice. Love it. Superb interface, configurable ad-infintum. Well pleased! I have sent my
cheque off for registration! Cheers just used GoldED to do my first draft of my web page and worked with out a
hitch!GREAT program,registration $ is on the way.Page will be up tomorrow, have to finish
the club newsletter first GoldED - the best for text editing! I`m now using 4.6.0, the last version I had was
2.2.0 : what a progress! Keep up the good work Dietmar, and expect my registration soon! GoldEd is indeed a fine editor. As an official beta-tester of AMIS, I hope our
editors will peacefully coexist with each other. ;) Thanks, Dietmar, for your great GoldED. I'm using it for three years now (since
V0.9) and I'm registered since the begining. No project to change... Hi Dietmar... Your GED 4 ist really great... Now it is time to register :) GoldED is the best editor I've ever seen on any system. In the middle of this year,
I probably will buy the new PIOS ONE computer and I really hope you will do a port for pOS
or BeOS. (Otherwise I have to keep my Amiga 4000) Best wishes, Andy. I used to use Cygnus ED 3.5 until I used goldED :O)... WOW !! - it integrates
really well with Dice & the syntax highlighting is good too... btw. I registered for
the disk version over 8 weeks ago & still waiting.... Ok, this could be a great editor, if it wasn't so damn "WYSIWYG"-ish.
That is, it needs REAL TABS, real spaces (so you can't move the cursor off the end of a
line no matter how hard you try) and other similar features. NOW! As the name states, this is the Golden Editor :) I never seen anything like GoldED
on any other plateform. You have to know that on PC plateform, having a text editor with a
MATCH BRACKET function is a real pain. And when you find one, this feature is considered
as a MASTER feature :'( What a pity... GoldEd4.x -- The Best Editor for the best System ->Amiga I've been trying GoldED V0.9x and didn't like it. Then I used MegaED for some time
and didn't know what I missed. The reference and syntax highlighting functions are just
what I needed. This editor is reason enough to stay with the Amiga, until the pOS Version
of GoldED will maybe reach another platform. Good work! I'll register, promise. hello, it's a test I don't think I'd have a homepage with GoldED. CygnusED? Never heard of it. ;) What will we do without this editor!!! Sorry for the other broken message great page! Thank's for this great editor, I think i'd better register soon. I use
it alot together with StormC and congrats that you've got it in the StormC++ package :) I got GoldEd 3.03 from a friend, then I was using CygnusEd 3.5 Pro. I
didn't like CygnusEd, you couldn't design it as you wanted. I LOVE programs with a wide
configuration. And I'm gonna get married with GoldEd! Hm... maybe not! But It's close! I
love the GREAT ARexx support. I make a lot of scripts so GoldEd fits me perfectly. I'd
like to say THANK YOU to the creator of GoldEd, and everyone who uses it. At the same time
I'd like to say "Hello" to all the Amiga owners in the world. I wouldn't mind if
you send me a "Hello"-EMail to me! Thanx! First i regged GoldED 3, and was happy with that. And then i discovered
GoldED 4, bye bye Cygnus Ed. GoldED 4 is the best text editor on the Amiga then i'm doing
heavy tekst work and web publishing. |
This is one of the best thinks ever happened to the
Amiga!I have a quite good knowledge of the platforms IBM/PC, Macintosh, Silicon Graphics
(UNIX) and AMIGA.I haven't seen anything close to this SUPERB editor!!! Per Wigren <> Bolln�s, X Sweden - Friday, November 29, 1996 at 00:40:20 (EST) Thanks
for this great editor. I'm even developing myhonepage with envwww and golded 4 and the
quickstartmade me an temporary homepage in 5 minutes. I just wanted to say thanks for the Great Golded ! With the envwww, Golded is
the finest html editor for the Amiga; especially the Page Wizard. Our site at is featured in one of Randy Finch's web page tutorials in
Amazing/Amiga magazine--november 1996 edition. We have made remarkable improvements the
past month..thanks to Golded425 & envwww1.2. I hope to register soon..The Amiga is
back,,it's time for us all, to face up to it !...GoldEd is part of that proof..Thanks
again for Golded & thanks for following the shareware concept..Sincerely Terry &
Sandra Cooksey--A2000 w/Toaster & an A500 shareware GoldED is bloody brilliant, I still havn`t registered but it`s up there at the
top of my priority list. The price is right the features are excellent and it`s written
for the Amiga, need I say more?I`ve just started a Computer Aided Chemistry Course at Uni
Which requires me to program in C++ which I`m just starting to learn, the trouble is that
I spend more time playing with GoldED than programming. Keep up the good work. GoldEd is without a doubt the best text editor I have ever seen. There's just
no competition! Well done, Dietmar - I'll be registering as soon as possible. (PS. Look
out for my Amiga E scanner for GoldEd on Aminet shortly-ish. It's ace! :-) You ALWAYS have a nice looking site! Well, I just stopped by to index it for
amiSpider... - David Tiberio now that there is the new spellchecker available i will register for the new
golded version as soon as possible! then i will delete the old version... YEAH!
!congratulations to this piece of software! Thanks for the WORD4 API interface, now I can finally delete the GoldED 3.x on
my system. GoldED is the best editor i've ever seen, butI HAD TO (really had to ;-( )
leave the amiga scene.As soon as I can afford I will buy an Amiga again.Why ? To be able
to use GoldED (And because of otherreasons... :-)! GoldEd is so good that it's worth
toedit the source on an Amiga and send to the pc tocompile and run it. But an OS/2 or a
Linux port wouldbe much better... A great editor keeps getting better - except that ugrading from 3 to 4 killed
spellchecking! (or did it?)*please* have the install script preserve old settings and
API's, and if an existing API won't work, mention itin the script.Also: How about a
dictionary/highlighting/syntax for perl?Keep up the good work, I'll be registering soon. Det ik' s� ringe endda. Please, if you have any info regarding Amiga 2000 or 2500 repair/support in the
San Antonio,Tx. area, e-mail me or call (210)349-3674. Ask for Bob or Glenn.Urgent!!! Very
much appreciated. Just thought Id have to say that the NEW WWWenvironment is absolutely peach.
Will there be a LaTeXenvironment in the same idea ? COZ it too wouldbe an excellent
feature of this superb editor.Oh a new enhancement to it would be some type of
visualisation of objects for oo programmers. Hi, I've been using Prowrite 3.0.2 on an A500..need something better. This is
called an editor but itseems to do more processing than most word processors.I'm going to
give it a try. I use ibm at work but still prefer my amiga.Will add an accelertor or go to
a1200 soon. Keep up the support. It's free! It's for Amiga! It's great!>>> GoldEd 3.1.4r <<< :-) This is THE BEST editor I have ever used on ANY platformThat includes PC,
UNIX, AMIGA.The Amiga will NEVER die as long as applications as magnificient as this are
still being produced.WELL DONE This is one hell of an editor! But I am still waitingfor the SAS/C scripts.
When they hit, I'm registeringfor sure!! Thanks and keep up the good work! OH- Helloto all
my fellow 'Migans out there!!! AMIGA RULES! It always have and always will!!!And a BIG hello to all the
Amiga owners out there! Wandering the web I came across you website...So the warmest hello from one
of the earliest GoldED fan who cannot use an amiga at work and missess GoldEDoh soooooo
dearly...The Best editor I've have had and the best support from acool guy :-)= tmk = How do I keep up with all the updates? The supportfor this program is
phenomenal! It is only 2 or 3days since I downloaded 4.1.0, now it's 4.1.1 when isthe next
bugfix/upgrade coming? Fortunately, I havethe URL-minder to keep tabs on everything for
me, soI get to know about upgrades as soon as they appear.This is the best editor for the
Amiga, and it's authorgives the best support I have seen on any program onany platform.
Super stuff, Dietmar! Keep it up. NowI have to register. I just wish I could have done
itsooner. Brilliant program. Great writer. cool I've stuck with this editor since 0.98 and registered as soon as Ireached
the 1000 line limit. The best piece of software I've seenfor the Amiga, backed up by the
best support. Check out the review of 3.1.3 (as published by Jam) on my home page to see
what I thought. Please put a link to what's changed in the newestupdate of GEd on the main
page -- Each time a newupdate comes I have to download it over a veryslow link just to see
if there's any great new features(like real tabs which *everyone* wants! :).As I don't use
GEd (because of the tabs) I'd like tobe able to just view the history. I swear thereused
to be a link but I can't find it anymore. Golded put me off using Cygnus because of it's ability to interact with
DICE, andthe way it highlights C and C++ keywords, my only moan is that it doesn't insert
tabswhen you press the tab key on a line with text in it. Stacey: Real Tabs are the tab character, instead of x number of spaces
(which sucks and, as far as I cantell in GEd you can't press TAB, then DEL to delete the
tab-space, can you?? If you can someone pleaseemail me!). I've heard about GoldED 4 and I wanna see a demo of this peace of soft...
The olders versions are verygreat and I hope the new one still:-) Golded just keeps getting better and better. I've yet to find a more
fully-featurededitor on any computer platform. I'm off to unpack the v4.00 archive Not
sure how it could improve on v3.0.1! Thanks Dietmar GoldED RAWKS!! But PLEASE make an embedment for SAS/C++ and ASM and I would
go CRAZY!!!!!!!!! GoldEd rulez!!! what i want to know is... what the heck are these
"real tabs" that everyone (well almosteveryone) are talking about?? I have used
GoldEd now for some time, and have never had a problem with tabs.Keep up the good work!!! GoldEd 4 looks great. Thanks Dietmar. But why do you punish people
supporting you longest with that update-fee??? Please overthink that... I want REAL tabs! Like Ced... Please! It can't just be so difficult! ;) Please give me real TABs, and I'll throw CEd away today! This is just the most amazing program I have ever seen...not that I am
leaving the Amiga, but this editor in itself would be enough to keep me here... GoldEd4 looks excellent, but a programmer's editor NEEDS to support real
tabs. I liked GEd3 and switched to it for a while but found that thisand a few other
little quirks drove me back to CEd. If GEd supported real tabs and split-views I would
register it immediately, though. Theprogram is so beautiful and advanced in all other ways
that this seriously lets it down.(Also: I installed Ged4 and it openned on a VERY small
NTSC Hires screen. So small that the gadgets in the preferences requesters overlapped
andit was quite difficult to change screenmodes to something better). Got to get 15 DM soon for the upgrade. Thanks for a great editor. Hi Dietmar ! GED V4 is great ! Now it`s time for me to register... I know GoldEd is great, let's see if it beats Ced! The Pages behind the
link is made with ced easily, i hope GoldEd will be just as nice, /Thomas Johansson
Chairman of Amiga-Team Thanx 4 the greatest editor I've ever seen. I'm very satisfied user since
0.96beta release, I'm just waiting 4 version 4. My biggest wishes: Real TABs (please, GNU
Make needs them, now I have to edit Makefiles in Ed) and several views into one document
(with online updating in all windows). Thanx again. Just downloaded the demo version.. And boy, could I belive how beautiful
the program was.. I'm used to CEd but from now on I go on with GoldED.. I think it is the
best program I ever had or have on my harddisk.. :) There is GoldED... and for what are the other Amiga-Editors ? :-) GoldED V3 is the best Texteditor I�ve ever seen. I�m waiting for V4. GoldEd v3 was so good I just can't think how v4 can have been made even
better!! I can't wait till i get release 4. Release 3 is good , but , looking at the
screen it is far user friendlyer. Hope to see a version soon on aminet. Keep on I never had more fun in editing my startup-sequence :) I think, GoldED is the most powerfull editor for the amiga. There is no
other product which is as easy to configure as GoldED! Stay developing it !!!!! Thanks alot for a really great editor, but please try to get GEd4 out soon,
and I'll probably register =) GoldED is the best i've ever seen!! i wann be a beta-testerfor such a great
proggy!! I work about 5-8 hours a day withit couze i use it, to compile my progs.!! Thanx
a lot!! I just installed GEd and couldn't believe that the editorwas even more
professional than this Web Site (which issaying something). Ypu've done an amazing job,
this is whatI've been looking for for AGES! My only complaints are thelack of real tabs
(as mentioned above) and that it is verydifficult (have to write ARexx scripts I think) to
usethe Dock API and stop GEd openning new windows on top ofthe dock (which makes it
completely useless). I look forwardto GEd4! (Student Loan permitting I'll register, too). I can honestly say that GoldED is one of the main reasons I have stuck it
out with the amiga. It is a well thought out and excellently executed program that has yet
to be matched on any platform. If I were to offer any criticism of the program, it would
be the lack of real tabs. Your efforts are to be congratulated and I await version four
most eagerly. GoldEd is the Top....Why another ????Thanks very much Eilert Hi Dietmar, Congratulations! You really made a great website.But now I hope
you will put a really new andbreathtaking piece of software: GoldED4. We really love your
products! Go on.Apropos: I suggest a site history in addition to the last change date!!! I LOVE your web pages. After this i was inspired to dosomething similar
:).(Seriously). Its simple, its attention grabbing, its easy to readand so on :) I must say that GoldEd is a really great text-editor! Thefeatures are many,
the scrolling is FAAAST! I sure hopeGoldED v4.x is better.. You can never get a program
TOOgood, only better... As a professional programmer I am contantly, forced to use the editorson
the machines a work. These have none of the power of GoldED. It is apleasure to come home
from work to my AMIGA and use GoldED. Thank you and may you and your family have a happy
life. Welcome ! |
Copyright � 1998 Dietmar Eilert, Aachen, Germany (Legal